Investment Property Damage FAQs

One of the unfortunate realities of investing in real estate is the damage that can occur to your property, and the unexpected expenses that arise as a result. Even good tenants can accidentally damage your property, and whilst it’s not possible to prepare for every possible damage risk, it is possible to prepare yourself by […]
Should You Have A Home Inspection Done Before You Sell Your Home?
There are several benefits to having a home inspection done prior to the sale of your home. Here are a few of the ways pre sale building and pest inspections can help home sellers. First, you receive an independent, expert opinion as to the current condition of your home. Many of you have been living […]
To Style or Not To Style
We all know that if a house is vacant, it will most likely be on the market longer and wil l sell for a lower price than a similar house that is beautifully styled and presented in a manner that will entice the buyers with a vision of how their potential home could look. Why […]
7 tips for new landlords

7 tips for new landlords from
Apartment living set to spike from
Property market experts contradict RBA report from
Use your head, not your heart: Four tips for buying the right investment property from